This is the final Inbound Report in the PDF format that we have used for some time. With this issue, we are migrating to a free subscription, online product—check out—which will allow us to expand our editorial content and make our articles both easier to read and share.
Covering the inbound international industry since 1996, Inbound relies on both original and curated content developed from a variety of sources. In addition to original content we develop from trusted industry sources we’ve built over 18 years, we curate material for from 35 online newsletters and industry blogs, and we sit through countless hours of webinars where research is released. In all, we average 50-70 hours a month of research to update you in a way that will take you 15-20 minutes to read twice a month.
I hope that you enjoy the new online format and look of Inbound, and I look forward to your feedback on how we can continue to improve the product as it enters its 20th year of operation.
Jake Steinman
Founder and CEO
The NAJ Group
PS: Inbound will now be sent to our database of buyers who attended IPW as well as international and receptive operators who are registered on A limited number of ads will be available for $500/per issue, six-issue minimum. Inbound subscribers will be offered a special rate of $300/per issue. If you are interested, contact us at