From Athens, Greece—the cradle of western civilization, midst the culture that created mythology—comes TravelMyth.
Stefanos Vasdekis and John Nousis,’s two creators—whiz kids and friends since high school and now 35 years old—who launched their first venture more than 15 years ago and have begun more than a half-dozen others, have agreed to come to San Francisco Oct. 22-23 to take part in NAJ’s annual e-Tourism Summit where they will discuss their latest venture,, as well as the non-traditional business culture that is thriving in Greece in spite of the nation’s dystopian economic environment.
The two entrepreneurs launched Travelmyth last fall, and it is already a profit-making entity. Operating at what seems like an abnormally high-speed , Travelmyth is a referral platform that, different from other hotel search engines, arranges several hundred thousand properties according to personal interests and activities. One can search for hotels that are dog friendly or near kayaking sites, to adults-only properties and former castle hotels.
Vasdekis and Nousis have become symbols of the type of entrepreneurs who are looked to in order to help Greece find a way out of its economic infirmities, and were recently highlighted in an article in the business section of the New York Times: .
“It’s really an honor for us to have Vasdekis and Nousis agree to come from Greece to present and discuss at the e-Tourism Summit the challenges they face every day at the e-Tourism Summit,” said Jake Steinman, CEO of the NAJ Group, which also publishes the Inbound Report. “One would think that the market for hotel websites would have been completely saturated by now, but these two found a completely new way to filter the search process so users can discover hotels based on their interests and passions.”
Steinman indicated that additional presenters and program elements for the e-Tourism Summit will soon be posted on the event’s website. An early sellout for 11 consecutive years, this year’s Summit takes place at San Francisco’s Parc 55 Hilton. (For more information about the summit, visit: ) Below: Stefanos Vasdekis (left) and John Nousis.