San Francisco Tests “Pee Proof” Paint to Curb Public Urination. Tired of the hundreds of requests its public works department receives to steam clean public areas besotted with urine deposits by those who take to relieving themselves publicly and irritated that increased fines for such activity have had no impact, San Francisco officials have begun using a “pee-proof” paint around the city to combat the problem of public urination. Crews have thus far painted 10 walls in the city with a special ultravolet-coated, urine-repellent paint. If an individual attempts to urinate on a wall coated with the super hydrophobic paint, the urine, rather than running down the wall, will spray back at the person relieving himself, potentially hitting his clothes or shoes. Public officials have made no pronouncement as to the effectiveness of the new pee-proofing campaign, which was only recently implemented.