Brazilian travel trade giant PANROTAS has released its annual Forum magazine, a more-or-less directory of the top businesses in the country’s travel and tourism industry. The 128-page publication, available here, is usually released at the annual FÓRUM PANROTAS, a must-attend event for key figures in the industry, usually held just as Spring begins. However, concern over the impact of the coronavirus prompted the publication to move the forum, which had been scheduled to take place March 17-18, has been re-schedule and will take place September 9-10 in São Paulo.
The top players in the Brazilian travel and tourism industry are called travel distributors—not tour operators or travel agents—because many companies are both travel agent and tour operator, and some also have a stake in other sectors of the industry. For instance, the largest travel company in the country, CVC, comprises RexturAdvance, an airline consolidator; Grupo Trend, which is based primarily in Orlando, where it conducts receptive tour business; Submarino Viagens, a pioneer in online sales of airline tickets, hotels, packaged travel and cruises in Brazil; Experimento, an education-focused operator; and Visual Turismo, a travel agent-only operation.
The magazine also features lists of top performers in various sectors in the travel and tourism industry, as well as a special report on the history of women in the tourism industry in Brazil.
The Top Travel & Tourism Distributors in Brazil*
1. CVC
2. Decolar
3. Flytour Group
4. AJMOBI (AJ Mobilidade Corporativa – Alatur JTB)
5. Confiança Group
6. Kontik
7. viajanet
8. Arbaitman Group
9. Ancoradouro Group
10. Copastur
11. Skyteam
12. Belivtur
13. Hurb
14. Voetur Group
15. BCD Travel
16. BRT Group
17. Avidam
18. Teresa Perez Tours
19. Highlight Consolidator
20. Sakura Consolidator
21. Orintor Tour & Travel
22. Agaxtur Viagens
23. Queensberry Viagens
24. BTM Corporate
25. Tyller
26. Primetour Viagens & Experiencias
27. Master Turismo
28. Costa Brava Viagens & Eventos
29. Casablanca Turismo
30. Schultz
31. Promotional Travel
32. Rio Travel
33. LTN Brasil
* The criteria used in ranking the companies are discussed in the full report, available here.