One of AlliedTPro’s progenitors, Allied Tours, was one of the first receptive tour operators in the United States, giving it a unique perspective on the role of the receptive. Today, it is positioned under the Thomas Cook India Group, which last year acquired part of the Kuoni Group that included AlliedTPro. Thomas Cook India is owned by Toronto-based Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited, whose chairman is Canadian billionaire Prem Watsa.
The TourOperatorLand.com website by the NAJ Group (it also publishes the Inbound Report) has introduced both receptive tour operators, U.S. tour operators and international tour operators to travel product and services of U.S. travel suppliers and DMOs. Visitors to the website can use its exclusive Receptive Finder™ to find the right RTO. It is designed to help both the travel trade and travel suppliers find the right U.S. based receptive tour operator to sell their products on the international travel market place.
The receptive operators, who are vetted and qualified by the NAJ Group also take part in at least one of NAJ’s RTO Summits series. The Summits take place annually in Los Angeles (It was held Feb. 21-22, 2018), New York City (April 17-18) and Orlando (October 24-25, 2018). You can connect with AlliedTPro at this year’s RTO Summit in New York.
For more information, visit www.TourOperatorLand.com