In this Issue:
Mexican Arrivals Off by More than 850,000 in First Half of Year as Trump Approval Plummets Along with the Peso
Which Three States Have Almost Three-Quarters of International Visitor Market?
The Future of Outbound Travel from Japan—According to JTB.
WTF DEPARTMENT: Survey Reveals What German Tourists Will Want in 2030. It Sounds Suspiciously Like…2017?
Direct Flights to Denver Get a Boost Leading up to IPW
Part Two of China International Travel Monitor: FIT Rules
Oklahoma City at a Glance
New and/or Interesting Product
Argentina Tourism Defies Gravity. Political Stability and Pent-up Demand Prevents a Decline to the US
Receptive Finder Now Available
HODGE PODGE: Shifts, Shakeups and Occasional Shaftings in the Tour and Travel Industry